Friday, March 7, 2014

Vehicle Operations Training: Civilians, Cops, and Military for the Constitution

I am going to touch base on what is going on with our Asymmetric Solutions Video series. Right now, I have been bringing you a series on Vehicle Interdiction/ Ambush. Really (and the instructor even says this in one of the videos), these techniques are for the most part, not applicable to most civilian situations (mostly applicable to my military and LEO folks). That said, I can identify two reasons why this information is very important to the civilian community.

The first I want to touch on is the Emergency Situation. Something along the lines of "Shit hit the fan". Now don't jump on me for this line of thinking. In the chaos that results from a natural disaster, people panic. When panic sets in we revert to animals, no mater how "civilized" you think you are. Three days without food and our most refined communities will look like Mogadishu. Commandeering a vehicle...well, don't you think that could be a useful skill? Or at least defending against it?

That is a great caveat to the second reason why I think the citizenry as a whole should be privy to this information. This is maybe going to piss some people off, but hear me out before you freak on me.

We are currently witnessing the militarization of the police force. For whatever reason you think it is happening, or whether you are a proponent or opponent- the simple fact is that it is happening. Likewise, whether you like it or not, the rules are being bent more and more often these days on technicalities. If you know this information you are better equipped to react to the situation. It's like having the other team's playbook. I am not trying to upset my LEO and military people, many of my friends work in these fields. 

That said (speaking directly to my LEOs), you guys need to know your bounds, an unconstitutional law or directive is invalid. Remember that you derive your authority from the consent of the governed, not the other way around. To those in the community feeling threatened by the way I am framing this information- just make sure that you find yourself on the correct side of the constitution. Do this and the people that you have sworn an oath to (for the purposes of protecting their inalienable rights) will pose you no threat by wielding such information. If you feel threatened by that then perhaps you should spend a little time contemplating your role and perspective with respect to those who pay your salary. I say that because, even though our education system doesn't teach it, there is a such thing as being wrong. In this case you are and should reevaluate your career path. 

To wrap it up. Whether you are on the job- pulling Gang-Bangers out of Suburbans; deployed to some God-awful hell hole- ripping Moogs out of broke-ass cars; or just a citizen going about your unmolested business, this information doesn't take that long to absorb and is fairly intuitive. It is for everyone and that is why I have decided to share it on my channel. Enjoy the show and follow this link view the vehicle portion of my series from Asymmetric Solutions from start.
Episode List:
Vehicle Interdiction (Intro)

Pain Compliance

Extracting a Person from a Vehicle

Creating or Defending a Vehicle Ambush

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Sir. I am in 100% agreement. While these tactics hopefully will never be a need or concern for the average person, knowing about them can only be a benefit. Thanks for sharing these videos. I for one have found them very informative.
