Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A War Far from Over, an Enemy Strengthened by our Ineptittude

“And we remember the end of our combat mission and the emergence of a new dawn -– the precision of our efforts against al Qaeda in Iraq, the professionalism of the training of Iraqi security forces, and the steady drawdown of our forces."

-Barrack Obama, Fort Bragg, North Carolina December 14th 2012 11:52 A.M. EST

Tell that to James Foley. I strongly advise you to not view the contents of this link around children and the infirm. When Live Leak puts a stop in place before you get to a piece of content you know it's going to be bad. I assure you that it is. However, for those of you who think you can stomach it- this directly shows the evil that has possessed our enemy. Fewer times will you see evil so purely incarnated than in such religious zelotry.

Some of us have known, others denied, and still more were naive to it; we are at war. I don't care if you want to be or not, the enemy has chosen the time.  This is the price of subjecting our military capacities to the petty whims of a spineless politician. This is the price, of anti-American rhetoric and policies used for the purposes of political expediency and personal gain. This is the price of directing our efforts to a progressive domestic agenda rather than focusing on those that would see our civilization annihilated. 
This, Mr. President, is the price of not finishing what we start. Men better than you and I died for that ground and you handed back in gift wrap. The enemy has chosen the time. I pray that we get our shit together and find someone who has the fortitude to do your job before they choose the place as well.

Remember kids, Islam is a religion of peace...

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