Monday, February 23, 2015

Net Neutrality: The Single Greatest Threat to Your Freedom

Straight up, "Net Neutrality" as it is called is the single greatest threat that you face to your freedom. Period. It's very simple to understand people. You like the Internet and its freedom right? Then don't involve government in it. They mess up everything the touch. And now you want to let them play with your only source of unadulterated information? Give me a break. 

But it's worse than them just buggering up your interwebs. This is the first step. First, put the FCC in charge of the Internet, treat it like a utility. Then at a later date attack the types of things that are allowed to flow through the pipes. 
Let me lay it out there for you.
That means government is in charge of what you can see on the Internet.
I currently have the freedom and ability to check up on my elected officials, and what they are proposing, while streaming porn, shopping for ammunition, searching for a particular bible verse, downloading music, playing xbox, and talking to like minded friends over Facebook messenger. The government takeover of your internet would potentially inhibit those activities. It just depends on who has control of the government. That in my opinion is not worth the faster internet speed argument that I have heard floated in support of NN.

People again it's simple, Net Neutrality will destroy the Internet as we know it. More government is not the solution to....something that is not a problem. 

Write your congressmen right now and tell them to oppose "Net Neutrality" on the basis that you desire to keep the government in the role of a consumer of Internet not its arbiter.

1 comment:

  1. i am very interested in this topic, but for some reason the post
    is too dark to read on my laptop. Thanks, donporter,sr
